Lineup Forms Enhancement: Save for Later
Yes, that's right, people completing your forms can now save their responses and return to them at a later, more convenient time. This quality of life feature is especially nice for those of you with particularly long forms.
There are a few caveats here, so be sure to check out this article with more details.
New Feature: Manage Columns
As we touched on last release, we're working to enhance our searching and filtering capabilities. On the heels of releasing the Team Rosters report, we're giving you the ability to select what kinds of information you'd like to see with those search results.
Even better, we'll save those columns with your views! Once you set things up the way you like, you'll have all the information you need at the click of a button.
Changes to the Dashboard
Hopefully you noticed, but we're starting to improve the dashboard. It is, after all, the first thing you see when you log in. This will be an incremental process, so what you're seeing is just the very, very beginning
In the Explore Lineup section, we'll highlight new features, new blog posts, and links to these very release notes!
Do you have anything you'd love to see in particular? Let us know over here. We always love to hear feedback from everyone.
Updates & Bug Fixes
- When you're looking for that perfect filter, the "System Filters" section header now properly disappears when there are no system filters.
- Further optimizations when you send out a load of Lineup Forms. We're still stress testing this, but this means we'll be raising the cap on Lineup Forms beyond 1000.
- Other back office refinements and retooling.
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