We've reduced the "token expiration time", which is a technical way of saying that if you step away from your machine for 5 minutes, or if there's a period of inactivity longer than 5 minutes in Lineup, you'll need to log back in to continue working. We've done this to tighten up our security measures and keep your data secure.
If you do need to log back in, you'll be redirected to the page you left off on.
Exports will now encode unusual characters properly, so they don't turn into gibberish when you export or import them.
Owners using SSO can now properly set who has access to Workspaces.
All Team Count and Team Experience columns will now properly export to something other than 0.
We've improved the performance on the People page.
Fixed an issue where the email tab of the team member evaluations wasn't loading an email.
Fixed an issue with the aggregate view of evaluations on the person drawer, where it was showing way too many bar charts. We like bar charts, but not THAT much.
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