New: Tracked Fields added to the People Search!
Filters just got better than ever. If you're looking for a specific person with a specific tracked field on a team, you can now achieve this by adding Tracked Fields as conditions to the "Team History" filter! Looking for that person who participated on a team? Now you have access to this.
New: Clone Custom Field
Need to quickly make a copy of something with a long list of checklist options? Now you don't need to recreate the whole thing from scratch. Simply "clone" (our fancy way of saying "copy") the fields!
Updates & Bug Fixes
- General
- The person details would sometimes bleed off the side of the screen, making certain buttons inaccessible. They've all been boxed in and should be back under control!
- Teams
- Team charts on teams now will display the statistics for people who are currently on the team (the active roster), rather than EVERYONE on a team.
- Team charts will exclude those who are "Declined," "No Show," or "No Response"
- New sort option for All Seats: "Last Name" as well as "First Name"
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