We renamed is "People"
The old "Talent" tab is now the people tab because that is, after all, what this tab is all about. Lineup is designed to help you build your best, most productive, most equitable teams. These teams are made up of, that's right, people!
So if you're confused and wondering where your "Talent" tab went (which I highly doubt), it's now the "People" tab.
New Feature: Customize the Application Confirmation Email
You can now customize the application confirmation email. Let your applicants know what comes next. When will you respond? How will you respond? Don't leave them hanging.
Updates/Bug Fixes
- Added a loading bar (that you may catch if you're quick)
- Fixed Message Center paging bug
- Fixed double header on the application confirmation email
- Fixed document upload bug
- Fixed other really technical bugs that I'll be honest, I don't quite understand
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