New ways to send your application forms
We've brought some requested enhancements to the way you can deliver your applications! Filter down the list of people that you'd like to send the application to. Once you've got the segment of people, you can:
- Send an application form to the whole list (just as you always have been able to do).
- Resend the application to anyone who has previously received it, but hasn't completed it... think of it as a friendly reminder.
- Send to anyone who's new to the filtered list. This way, you're not spamming everyone who's already received an email
Updates/Bug Fixes
- We disabled the ripple that was happening when editing a custom field.
- Tracked field values now appear in a predictable and consistent order
- Users shouldn't have to refresh your browser anymore to see changes to custom fields
- The search filters for dropdown questions are now multi-select fields (so you can select more than one value at a time to filter on)
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