Lineup Form Enhancements
Clone Form
Don't start from scratch when building a new Lineup Form. If you've got one that's close enough (like last year's form), you can now clone it with the click of a button!
Preview Form
Now you can preview a form as you build it. Just click the "Preview form" button in the top-right of any form and you'll catch a sneak peek at what it will look like.
Not using Lineup Forms? You should! Read more about them here.
Updates & Bug Fixes
- Your history is important... even browser history. Now, when you browse Lineup, we'll save more useful information for each page, like names of teams and people you navigate to.
- We've updated the language in that email people get when they enter their address on the Lineup Form Share page.
- It'll now read: "You recently requested a link to access a form for [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME]. Click the button below to get started."
- The button will read: "Access the form"
- Speaking of that link request email above, we fixed a bug that would sometimes send the Lineup Form Invitation instead.
- The "From email" now displays properly for all Lineup Form Confirmation emails
- You will now no longer see duplicate filter options after you've add a new custom field. Sorry if you liked seeing double!
- For the Teams search and Team Rosters report pages, we'll now always show a horizontal scrollbar if you can scroll horizontally! No more wondering if there's stuff over there.
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