Updated CSV Exports
As the platform has become more robust, so have the data exports! To help manage these exports—which can sometimes take a while to run—we'll now email you when your export is ready. Additionally, you'll have access to all of your exports for two weeks at a new page we've set up for each user.
You don't have to do anything different than you're doing now.
End-user email subscriptions
It's important to respect the email inboxes of your volunteers, subject matter experts, and the wonderful talent that you manage with Lineup. (We know you do this already.) There's even a law about it.
As we build out more robust ways to reach out and communicate with your talent users, we've introduced a way for them to manage their own email communications with you.
Read more about email subscriptions here.
Other Updates & Bug Fixes
- The team experience filter for people no longer completely ignores archived teams. Archived teams are teams, too!
- The info tooltip (the thing that tells yo who last changed a field, and when) will now be available even if the team is archived.
- Short and Long Answer custom fields have a new filtering operator (oooo, so exciting!): "is empty" and "is not empty".
- Middle names (or lack of middle names) will no longer disrupt the person search field.
- We now display the line breaks for Long Answer values that have them. No more blobs of indecipherable text.
- There was a display bug that would show the incorrect count when sending out a Lineup Form under certain circumstances. This bug has been squashed. Also, the bug was display-only, so no incorrect forms were ever sent out.
- We've updated an error that was appearing in our Higher Logic integration.
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