Use Lineup's Zapier integration to connection with thousands of popular platforms. Use Google Spreadsheets to bring profile data in from SurveyMonkey, or keep your active people in sync with your company’s employees with BambooHR.
This article covers the Lineup-specific triggers, actions, and Zap templates. If you'd like a more general view of Zapier and how to begin, head on over to their site.
Getting Started
First, you'll need a Zapier account. There's a free level to get started and try it out.
Then you can check out our page on the Zapier marketplace. We've already created some common "zap templates" (connections between Lineup and other platforms), but don't let that shoehorn you. Get creative!
Setting up your account
Whenever you want to include Lineup in a zap (either as a trigger for a new zap, or an action that happens later on), you'll need to select an account that you'd like to use. If this is your first time connecting Lineup with Zapier, then you'll need to click on the drop down labeled "Lineup account: (required)" and select "Connect a new account."
This will open a new popup window (make sure you allow popups) asking you to identify what your subdomain is. The subdomain is all the stuff you see before the "". So, if the URL you use to log into Lineup is "" then your subdomain would be "mycompany".
Click "Yes, Continue" once you've done that. The system will then prompt you to log into your Lineup account (just as you would if you were using Lineup directly). You should be all set!
New Lineup Form Completed
This will kick off a new Zap whenever someone completes a Lineup Form. It'll trigger for all of the forms that you send out, but you can create a Zapier filter to weed out just the ones that you want.
Team Invitation Accepted / Team Invitation Declined
These are two different triggers, but both trigger off of someone's status on a team. One will start a new zap when someone is Accepted on a team, and the other when someone is set to Declined. Please be mindful that these statuses can either be set when someone accepts an invitation, but also when someone's status is overriden.
This is a great trigger to use when you want Lineup to add or remove people from an outside group based on their status.
Create Person
Creates a new person in Lineup, profile and all.
Find Person
Use this action to search for someone who currently exists in Lineup. You can search by their email address, or their Lineup PersonId, which is a unique identifier in our system (and probably not the same as the unique identifier in your system).
Update Person Status
Use this action when you want to change a person's profile status. The current statuses supported are Potential, Active, and Archived.
Update Person Custom Field
Here's where the sweet sauce is. Use this action when you want to update, add, or delete the value of a particular person's custom field. This action is how you can sync data between your system and your Lineup system.
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