The opportunity board allows organizations to post upcoming team openings. People can then express interest in the activity, and be added directly to the team, either on the bench, in a picked state, or directly as accepted. This article covers all the details about how to create opportunity board listings, how to publicize them, and what happens once someone is interested.
Creating an Opportunity Board
To configure your first Opportunity Board, head to Admin > Opportunity Boards (not that you must be at least an admin to do this).
Click on the "+ New Board" button in the top-right corner of the screen to create an Opportunity Board and give it a name (don't worry, you can change the name later). This name will be visible to anyone that you share the board with.
By default, your new Opportunity Board is Inactive, meaning non one can view the board. You will see all the details about your new opportunity board, including the name of the board, the description of the board, the link to the opportunity board, and the status of the board.
- Name of the board
- This is visible to anyone who navigates to the board.
- Description
- This will show up on the opportunity board as well. Use the description to explain the intent of the board.
- Share Opportunity Board
- This is the link that you'll use to... well, share your opportunity board! You can send this link to anyone. They will not need to log into an account to view the board and all the included opportunities.
- Status
- Active or Inactive. If the status of the board is active, then anyone with the link above can view it. If it's inactive, then the link will not work.
Once you've configured these options, you're ready to add Opportunity Listings to it!
Creating an Opportunity Listing
An opportunity listing is...
To create an opportunity listing, navigate to the team and the position that you'd like to add to your opportunity board.
Select the three vertical dots to the right of the position's title (we call this the "Position Actions"). In the position actions, select "Opportunity Listing" to create (or update) your new opportunity listing.
Opportunity Description
This is the description that will appear on the Opportunity Board's public facing page. Be specific about what the position entails, and help the interested party understand what they are raising their hand for.
Use any formatting that you'd like. Include relevant information, such as how much time is required and what the benefits are.
Opportunity Dates
The opportunity dates represent when the opportunity starts and ends. By default, these dates will be aligned with the dates of the team, but you can customize these.
When the person is added to the team (either Picked or Accepted), their seat term will inherit the start and end dates of this opportunity.
Note: an opportunity will no longer appear on a board once the end date is in the past.
Listing Details
Add to opportunity board(s)
Here's where you associate this listing with an opportunity board (or multiple boards). Select one of the boards that you've already created earlier.
You do NOT need to associate a listing with a board, but if you do not, no one will be able to find this listing.
List until
Indicates when the listing will be removed from all boards.
Note: an opportunity will no longer appear on a board once the end date is in the past, even if you've indicated "ongoing".
Team Form
This is required. This is the form that an interested party must complete in order to be added to Lineup and this team. The form can be as simple as asking for a first name, last name, and email address.
Auto-add to team
By default, someone signing up through the opportunity listing will be added to the team's bench. Optionally, you can have the person added directly to the team, either as Picked or Accepted. If they are added directly to the team as Accepted, they will not receive an invitation email, and will not be able to acknowledge a disclaimer.
Sharing Opportunity Boards / Listings
To share an opportunity board, copy the link from the Opportunity Details page in the Admin section.
This link will be available to everyone without needing to log in to Lineup.
When someone is interested in an opportunity
People who are interested in an opportunity can "sign up" for the listing by navigating to the bottom of the details page of the opportunity, entering their email address, and clicking "Submit my interest." Lineup will send a link that email address, that will direct them to the associated Team Form.
Once they complete that Team Form, they will be added to the team, either to the bench, or as Picked or Accepted (depending on how you configured the listing).
Managing people who are interested (the bench)
People who have signed up to a position through an Opportunity Board will be added to the team's "bench." To view the bench, click on the "Bench" tab at the top of the page (to the right of the All Seats" tab).
You can add people from the bench to the team by clicking on the + button on the right side of their row. This will convert their bench seat to a roster seat, inheriting the start and end dates of the opportunity listing. You can edit these dates before adding them to the team.
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