At Lineup, we're all about helping you understand your talent pool. Part of this understanding comes with collecting multi-faceted and varying pieces of information on your volunteers and subject matter experts. It also requires a bit of organization. We're introducing a new concept: custom field groups!
Custom field groups allow you to organize certain data points into, well, groups! These take the form of "drawers" on the person details sidebar (those things that slide open and closed when you're viewing someone's profile).
Creating a new custom field group
- To create a new custom field group, go to Admin > Custom Field Groups (you must be an admin or owner to configure custom field groups).
- Click the "+ Create new custom field group" button in the top-right of the screen.
- Give your custom field group a name. This name will appear in the UI as a drawer, so make sure you give it an understandable, yet succinct, name.
- Start adding fields!
- Any person custom field or skill can be added to a custom field group
- The order that they appear can be adjusted by dragging them up and down
- Click "Save" and your custom field group will be created.
Updating an existing custom field group
- Navigate to Admin > Custom Field Groups
- Click on the custom field group that you would like to edit
- Here, you can add new fields, remove fields, or reorder fields.
- Once you're satisfied, click "Save" and the custom field group will be updated.
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