From the People Search page (the page you navigate to when you click People in the navigation bar), you can take a number of actions, either adding new people to Lineup, or taking actions on your search results.
Note: some of these actions used to hide in the "Bulk Actions" menu.
Add New Person
This is you add a single person to Lineup, either to your Active or Potential pools. When you Add New Person, you must enter the person's first and last name, along with an email address. You can also enter data for all the system fields (mailing address, gender/ethnicity). Once you've added the person, you can then add information on your custom fields.
Add People in Bulk
Use this option if you'd like to upload more than one person at a time to Lineup. Read more about the Import Person tool in this article.
Send Lineup Form to all results
This option will let you send out an open Lineup Form to all of the results in your current list. You can filter the list down to reduce the number of results before sending.
At this time, you can only send 1000 Lineup Forms at a time.
Read more about how to send Lineup Forms.
Export all results
This action will export all the profile data that you currently capture for everyone within your search results. You will have access to all values of all system fields, as well as all values for all custom fields for all people.
The results will be in a .CSV format.
Add all results to a team
Use this action if you would like to add all of the results of your search to a single team and a single position. They will be in the Picked position status. As usual, none of these individuals will be notified until you invite them to a team.
Profiles that are in the Potential Status will not be added to teams, even if they are in the search results.
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