This article will cover how to set up a new skill, updating an existing skill (labels, descriptions, and values), and deleting a skill.
In this article:
Creating a new skill
To create a new skill, navigate to Admin -> Skills.
Give the skill a label and description.
Skill Label: This is the shorthand name of the skill. Try to keep it short and distinct from other skills you may be capturing. End-users will not see this label.
Skill Description: Typically used as the default question text when you add it to a Lineup Form. You can always change it when you add it, but if it's going to be on multiple forms, you may want to phrase the Skill Description as a question.
Update skill values (or levels)
Skill values are the actual levels of the skill, and the values that you assign to them. Lineup supports skills with five distinct levels, represented by bars. Each value level has its own label and Skill Level Description.
- Value label: like the skill label, this is what shows up in reports and is used internally. By default, these levels are Novice, Emerging, Intermediate, Experienced, and Expert, but you can customize those.
- Skill Level Description: Because these levels can mean different things to different people, Lineup offers the space to define each level more specifically. For example, you can use the skill level description to explain what "Intermediate" means.
Click save to add the new skill!
Updating an existing skill
To update an existing skill, navigate to Admin -> Skills, and click on the skill you wish to update. You must be an admin to update a skill.
Change the skill label, skill description, or any of the values.
Click "Save" once you've made the changes.
Please note that changing the value information will update that skill globally, including any active Lineup Forms.
Deleting an existing skill
To delete an existing skill, navigate to Admin -> Skills, and click on the skill you wish to delete. You must be a system owner to update a skill.
Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the delete button.
This action is irreversible and permanent. It will remove the skill from all profiles.
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