Lineup's Team Forms are great when you want to send forms directly to team members so that they can update team-relevant information. They let you ask for team-specific availability, fill gaps in the person's profile that are important to the team, or self-report any work that they did on the team.
Team Forms support questions linked to person fields and tracked fields, and the answers will automatically sync to either a person's profile or tracked field. This article covers how to create an application from scratch.
Creating a new Team Form
To create a new form, click "Admin" in the top menu bar and navigate to "Lineup Forms" (/admin/forms).
Click the "+ New Form" button in the top-right.
Give the form a name and make sure to select "Team Form Template." If you're creating a more general-use form (that will not include tracked fields or need to be sent to team members), create a General Form.
Click "Create New Form" to get started.
Note: People who receive the application will see the form's name, so make sure to choose something that makes sense to your audience.
Form Overview
Like a General Form, once you create your form, you'll land on the form builder page. This page lets you:
- Add or update the Introduction Page
- Update System Fields (Contact Information, Demographic Information, and Professional Information)
- Add specific questions (person and tracked fields)
- Update the Confirmation Page
Introduction and Confirmation Pages
The Introduction Page will be the first thing that an applicant sees when they come to complete your form. Use this page to help set the context for why they've received the form and why they need to complete it.
If there's no Introduction Page, the page will open directly to the form. This is the default behavior.
To add an introduction page, click on the"Add Intro Text" button and start composing your introduction text.
To edit this text, click on the pencil. To remove it completely, click the trash can icon.
You must always have a confirmation page. Be nice and thank them for completing the form.
Editing Contact Information, Demographic Information, or Professional Information
Contact Information (phone number and mailing address), Demographic Information (gender and race/ethnicity), and Professional Information (job title, company, LinkedIn address, and resume upload) are all system fields available to any form.
You can, however, hide them per form by clicking the pencil icon. A sidebar will open (Contact Information pictured above) listing all the associated fields. Unchecking each box will hide the item on the form. You can also toggle which fields should be required.
Click save once you've determined which fields to show, hide, or make required.
Adding questions
Questions will make up the bulk of your form. To add a new question, start by clicking the "Add New Question" button. A sidebar will open:
Every question that you add to a form will be mapped back to a custom person field, tracked field, or skill. If you would like to ask something new, then you must first add a new custom person field, skill, or tracked field.
You can shift between the three types of fields by using the tab. If you have a lot of custom fields, use the search bar to narrow down your options. Once you've found the field that you'd like to add to your form, click the "Add" link on the right side.
Next up, you'll be configuring how this custom field will appear on your form, as well as a few other options about this question.
The large field at the top will determine how the question appears on the form itself. This is specific to this form only. As a placeholder, we use the description text of the custom field. Don't worry, changing the text here will not change the description text of the field itself. Lineup forms support rich-text formatting.
Below the question field, you'll see a number of toggles (depending on the question type).
- Require answer: Use this to make the question required
- Show user's current answer: When this is toggled on, if a recipient of the form currently has a value for that field, the form will auto-fill their answer. This is a great way to help save your volunteer's time when filling out forms.
- Read-only question: If this is selected, and the recipient has a value for this field, then the recipient will see the value on the field without being able to change it. You can use this option when you want to display relevant information that you don't want them changing.
- Hide question on form: This is used primarily to facilitate display logic. Learn more about display logic.
Once you're all set, click "Save" in the top-right.
- Clicking the pencil will let you edit the question.
- Clicking the trash icon will remove the question from this form (but will not delete the custom field).
- Clicking the six dots on the left side will let you reorder your questions by dragging and dropping.
- Note: Only questions may be reordered at this time, not the Contact Information, Demographic Information, or Professional Information.
Configuring the invitation and confirmation emails
To configure your invitation and confirmation emails, navigate to the "Email Templates" tab of the form and click the pencil in the top-right.
Clicking on the pencil icon opens a sidebar. You can customize the From name, the Reply to email, the subject line, and the contents of the invitation or confirmation. Make sure to save your changes!
Next article: Sending Out Team Forms
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